handcrafted websites & more

Case Study

Compassion Education Alliance

Training & certification for compassion educators

Visit compassioneducationalliance.org

Launched September2021

The Challenge

The Compassion Education Alliance (CEA), which provides compassion training based on evidence-based courses developed at Stanford University in 2008, did not have a website. It needed a new website with a clean, minimalist design to provide information and to act as a doorway into its online community. It also needed a system to enable visitors to register for training courses.

The Solution

I worked closely with the director to create a custom installation of WordPress that’s easy to edit and works well on all devices. I set up custom forms for visitors to easily register and pay for courses or make donations. I also built a custom system for managing and displaying the team behind the CEA, and another custom system for managing and displaying testimonials.

The Result

The CEA website features a custom design from scratch, with a custom layout on each page. Thumbnail images of team members appear on the About Us page, and each links to a more detailed biography. This is all done via an automated system that’s easy to manage. Testimonials also are managed via an automated system and appear in a slider on the home page.

The site is closely integrated with the CEA’s online community which is built with Mighty Networks, and the two systems share design DNA and are closely interlinked.

I highly recommend Chad and Raven’s Eye Design for design work, website creation and maintenance! Since 2012, I’ve worked with Chad for maintenance on two websites, and creation of the Compassion Education Alliance website in 2021. Chad is accessible, patient, creative and professional. He’s a great communicator and really fun to work with, too! Chad is excellent at explaining what he’s doing, teaching me how to make simple website updates and changes on my own, and super quick to jump in when I need help or have a question. If you’re looking for a highly skilled and attentive designer, you’re in the right place.

Aly Waibel, founder of Compassion Education Alliance (CEA)
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